HBBL - Nyanza-Lac airport
HBBL stands for Nyanza-Lac airport
Here you will find, what does HBBL stand for in Regional Airport Code under Regional category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Nyanza-Lac airport? Nyanza-Lac airport can be abbreviated as HBBL What does HBBL stand for? HBBL stands for Nyanza-Lac airport. What does Nyanza-Lac airport mean?Nyanza-Lac airport is an expansion of HBBL
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Alternative definitions of HBBL
View 4 other definitions of HBBL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- HBBE Gitega airport
- HBBA Bujumbura International airport
- HAWC Wacca airport
- HATS Tessenei airport
- HATP Tippi airport
- HATO Tendaho airport
- HASO Asosa airport
- HASH Sheik Hussein airport
- HASD Sodo airport
- HASB Assab airport
- HANK Nekemte airport
- HANJ Nejo airport
- HANG Neghelle airport
- HAMT Mizan Teferi airport
- HAMS Massawa airport
- HAMR Mui River airport
- HAMO Mota airport
- HAMN Mendi airport
- HAMM Metema airport